First Prototype
Aug 21, 2009
For my first test, I made an IP repeater. I developed firmware that listens for an IP packet from either Ethernet interface.
When a packet arrives, it sends the packet out the other Ethernet interface.
I connected both interfaces to a hub along with my laptop. When my laptop requested
a DHCP address, I had a packet storm! This was a sign of success.
Aug 26, 2009
I bridged a network hub and switch with this new device.
I connected my computer to the hub and had all kinds of problems.
I read quite a bit about the memory structure and SPI interface of the ENC28J60.
I made some circuit modification and many code modifications.
I also added support for ARP.
Tonight, I was able to successfully acquire a DHCP address, visit a web page (www.CamoTruck.Net) and send an email message. This thing might really work.
click to enlarge/reduce