Systems Administration on AIX, Linux and HP-UX systems
Sendmail, DNS, NFS, Filesystems and User Administration
Developed and implemented a multi-platform client/server user administration system
Oracle server utilizing PL/SQL stored procedures and functions
Clients using Java/JDBC, C, ksh, Perl and VB with Active Directory
Integrated clients on AIX, NT/Win95/Win2000/XP, LDAP and other systems
Sendmail, DNS, NFS, Filesystems and User Administration
Configured Sendmail and POP services
Sendmail configurations on AIX and HP-UX
POP3: Installation, performance analysis and monitoring
Anit-spam relay solutions in Sendmail
Developed connection rejection ability to combat mail abuse
Integrated Dynamic Relay Authentication Control system with POP and Sendmail
System Monitoring
Developed and implemented alphanumeric e-mail paging system utilizing Kermit
Integrated e-mail paging with central web based system and service monitoring application