J. Mike Rollins (Sparky) [rollins@wfu.edu]
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SQL update

My first program that interfaced with a database used Perl and Oracle. Later I used Perl with MySQL and encountered a learning curve. The following demonstrates one of the differences that caught me by surprise.

With Oracle, the following update statements produce consistent results.

    drop table mytest;
    create table mytest (pk number, a number, b number);
    insert into mytest (pk, a, b) values (1,1,1);
    update mytest
       set a = a + 1,
           b = a + 1
     where pk = 1;
    select * from mytest;
            PK          A          B
    ---------- ---------- ----------
             1          2          2
    drop table mytest;
    create table mytest (pk number, a number, b number);
    insert into mytest (pk, a, b) values (1,1,1);
    update mytest
       set b = a + 1,
           a = a + 1
     where pk = 1;
    select * from mytest;
            PK          A          B
    ---------- ---------- ----------
             1          2          2
The results are not consistent using MySQL. It appears that with MySQL, the modification made by a=a+1 takes effect immediately. But with Oracle, the new value of a is not available until after the statement is completely processed.
    drop table mytest;
    create table mytest (pk integer, a integer, b integer);
    insert into mytest (pk, a, b) values (1,1,1);
    update mytest
       set a = a + 1,
           b = a + 1
     where pk = 1;
    select * from mytest;
    | pk   | a    | b    |
    |    1 |    2 |    3 |
    drop table mytest;
    create table mytest (pk integer, a integer, b integer);
    insert into mytest (pk, a, b) values (1,1,1);
    update mytest
       set b = a + 1,
           a = a + 1
     where pk = 1;
    select * from mytest;
    | pk   | a    | b    |
    |    1 |    2 |    2 |